Understanding Soaking Prayer and Dwelling in God’s Presence

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Do you want to communicate with God better? Like us, God also seeks to speak to his believers through prayer, worship, and meditation. Through soaking prayer, you take God’s invitation to communicate with him through the Holy Spirit.

Soaking prayer is to experience intimacy with God. This involves an environment conducive to contemplative prayer and pursuing God with your whole heart. You may be listening to soaking music and basking in God’s presence.

Even with the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, God has always wanted to restore fellowship with his children. The cries of the tender hearts of His children going “Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel,” do not go unheard as God has revealed Himself multiple times through the prophets in the Old Testament.

God has then fulfilled his covenant with the coming of his Son, who took the form of man to live amongst his creations. Fulfilling the promise of the Father, Jesus said to his disciples, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.”

The sacrifice of Jesus through his death and resurrection has renewed the relationship of God with humanity. The sin of Adam and Eve that separated us from God is now erased. We have obtained mercy and can dwell in God’s grace in time of need.

Even as Jesus ascended into heaven, the Holy Spirit remained with his believers. This is God’s presence inside all of us, giving us access to Him through worship and prayer at all times.

Soaking prayer allows for a two-way conversation. Instead of just a one-sided conversation where we list what we want and need, soaking prayer allows God to communicate with us.

Instead of set agendas and requests, we can send our love to God without obligation, and likewise, we are filled with His love. This allows us to attain stillness, rest, and peace to dwell in the presence of God.

Instead of the restlessness of the modern world driving us to move on with the following plan in our schedule, soaking prayer allows us to be silent and sit still in God’s presence.

As Jesus said to His disciples, “Keep on asking, and you will receive. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” We may fully understand this message’s “asking” portion, but soaking prayer allows us to understand the “seeking” part fully.

Soaking prayer allows the Holy Spirit to come alive inside of us and manifest God’s holy presence in prayer. Instead of constantly seeking material goods in hopes of finding fulfillment, we attain fulfillment through intimacy with God and soaking in His presence.

We are given meaning beyond just our earthly possessions and the constant drive for fulfillment. We are fulfilled with His very presence and love for us.

We can draw strength from that and face this world’s sufferings, difficulties, and struggles with faith and hope.


Through soaking prayer, we can also face our fears and anxieties. Instead of the concern we have to face and the things that keep us from going further in our walk with Christ, we can meet these fears and anxieties with love and mercy from God.

With the help of prayer and meditation music, you can ease your worries and fully settle in God’s presence.

Are you looking for instrumental prayer music that is conducive for soaking prayer? Prayer Pray has a collection of relaxing and heavenly violin and cello music instrumentals for you to choose from. Get in touch with yourself and God.


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