3 Surprising Ways Listening to Music Can Help You Relax

listening to music

Have you ever wondered why you feel so good when listening to your favorite song or turning on your favorite radio station?

Music can cause a variety of chemical responses in your brain that aid in relaxing. Music may almost instantaneously translate to a positive mood, from lowering stress hormones to generating sensations of happiness. 

These feel-good effects have several long-term advantages for your body, including reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep patterns, and increased general health and well-being.

Here are the three ways music can help you relax:

1. Music Can Immediately Cause Physiological Relaxation

When you listen to music, different brain parts are stimulated to create the sounds we hear and induce pleasure in the brain’s reward circuits. There are three pathways in the brain responsible for recognizing sound: auditory, non-verbal, and emotional. 

The emotional path is involved in listening to familiar music that you enjoy, which triggers the release of dopamine and oxytocin, associated with pleasure and happiness. This combination of dopamine and oxytocin causes a sense of relaxation, which can be enhanced by adding other stress-reducing techniques.

2. Music Can Improve Your Sleep

Are you having trouble sleeping or finding it difficult to relax? Music may be the perfect way to help you sleep because listening to music causes the brain to produce relaxing waves of electrical activity. 

Just as a lullaby from your mother can help you fall asleep, music can act as a lullaby for your brain. Listening to music at night can lower your heart rate, reduce your breathing rate, and induce relaxation.

The release of melatonin is a critical factor in regulating the sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin is a hormone found in the brain and is chemically similar to other hormones, like serotonin. The pineal gland releases melatonin to induce calmness and sleepiness, so the onset of melatonin production is associated with drowsiness and the start of sleep.

As melatonin levels drop during the day, wakefulness increases. Melatonin levels rise during the evening, which is why it is so difficult for many people to wake up in the early morning when melatonin levels are peaking.

If you are trying to fall asleep, you should avoid listening to too stimulating music. Music with lyrics, for example, can cause you to think about the lyrics and not your state of mind. 

3. Music Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Music is not only a means of relaxation, stress relief, and sleep induction. The benefits of music are also evident in other areas, including increased performance in athletic tasks, improved agility and coordination, and better memory and cognitive function.

Furthermore, music can also have a significant impact on pain. Listening to music can lower anxiety and pain and raise endorphin and dopamine levels, the latter of which is responsible for the pain-killing effects of music.

Every individual experiences music differently, and it may be difficult for you to determine the type of music that will cause the greatest feelings of relaxation, sleepiness, and pain relief. Therefore, it is best to experiment with different music to determine the most effective.


By listening to the music you enjoy and choosing instrumental music, you can maximize its positive effects. As such, it is also important to select music appropriate for your state of mind to help you relax and reduce stress. If you have trouble falling asleep, listening to music is an excellent way of inducing relaxation before bedtime.

Prayer Pray offers soothing instrumental music for your prayer, worship, and meditation sessions. It is created by Christians who want to spread the message of peace, love, and joy. We want you to enjoy our music and spread love regardless of your religious beliefs. Check out our music right now!


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