Music That Soothes: What Can You Get from Instrumental Music?

listening to music

Have you ever listened to a song on the radio and thought to yourself: “I could listen to that all day”? Well, if that is the case, then you might want to give instrumental music a try. To many, instrumental music is just what it sounds like: music without any lyrics. It can include single instruments, full orchestras, or combinations of both. However, there are many benefits to instrumental music that you might be missing out on.

Instrumental Music: What is It?

Instrumental music is composed of pure tones and played by a single instrument or a group of instruments. It includes sounds from natural sources such as bird songs and instruments such as bells and drums.

Instrumental music is a genre that goes beyond lyrics. The lyrics are not as important as the melody line, which is why instrumental music doesn’t feature vocals. It does not have to have structure as long as it sounds good.

The Benefits of Instrumental Music

  • Takes Your Mind Off Things

Listening to instrumental music can help you feel better by taking your mind off things that stress you out. Many studies out there say listening to your favorite music can help you relax easily. This is especially true if you do not want to listen to the lyrics, which can be triggering.

  • Avoid LSS

If you have a song in your head, it can be challenging to fall asleep at night. Whether it is a song from a billboard chart to the jingle that plays at the end of your favorite show, there is a good chance you have a song stuck in your head. Instrumental music can help you get that song out of your head.

  • Improves Focus

It can help you focus on the task at hand without getting distracted by the lyrics. And if you have children at home, instrumental music can help keep them calm. This benefit is especially true when you have children that are newborns. You can also use instrumental music to help you relax during a long drive.

  • Gives You an Energy Boost

When you need a boost, instrumental music can give you that boost of energy. It can get your blood pumping and really make you feel good.

  • Helps You Meditate

It is also great for those that have trouble meditating. It can be soothing to your ears and help you focus on breathing. It is a form of meditation without all of the distractions.

How to Choose Instrumental Music to Listen To

There is a wide variety of instrumental music out there. You can listen to jazz, blues, or classical. You can also choose from original compositions or music from TV commercials or shows.

You should focus not only on the style of music but also on the instrumentation and the number of instruments used.


Instrumental music is really that simple. It’s a powerful medium with the ability to influence your mood, inspire thought, communicate emotion, and even alter our perception of time. Whether it’s in the background or as the focal point of your entertainment experience, there’s no denying that music has a place in our lives. So get out there, take some time for yourself, and let music move you. Now is a great time to start listening to more instrumental music.

Check out some Christian instrumental music here at Prayer Pray. Get your music today and enter a state of calmness. 


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