Here Are 8 Things That Differentiate Harps from Pianos

harp being played

The harp and piano are “lookalike” musical instruments. While they have their similarities, they also have their differences. If you are interested in learning either of these instruments, it is important to know their differences. 


The harp is a stringed instrument that consists of a soundboard, strings, and a pedal mechanism. The strings are plucked with the fingers, and the pedals are used to change the pitch of the strings. 

The piano is a percussion instrument that consists of a soundboard, strings, hammers, and a keyboard. The strings are struck by the hammers when the keys are pressed, and the keyboard is used to select which notes are played.


The piano has a much wider range of notes than the harp. The harp typically has only 47 strings, while the piano has 88 keys. This means that the piano can play a wider range of notes and chords than the harp.


The harp produces a very soft, ethereal sound, while the piano produces a much louder, more powerful sound. This difference in sound production affects how the instruments are used in several ways. 

For example, the harp is often used in classical, celtic, and religious music, while the piano is more commonly used in popular and jazz music.


A harp is more portable, weighing anywhere from 30 to 100 pounds. On the other hand, the piano typically weighs between 500 and 1,000 pounds. This means that the harp can be used in a wide variety of settings, while the piano is more often used in stationary settings. 

This is something to keep in mind if you’ll be moving your instrument around frequently.


Harp strings need to be replaced regularly, and the instrument itself needs to be tuned frequently. Pianos, on the other hand, require very little maintenance.

Playing Style

The harp is played with the fingers, while the piano is played with the hands. This means that the harp requires a great deal of skill and coordination, while the piano is relatively easier to play.


Harp prices can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands, while pianos start at around $5,000 and can go up into the six figures.


Harpists can be found all over the world, but they’re not as common as pianists. A piano is probably your best bet if you’re looking for a more widely available instrument.


So, there you have it! These are the main differences between pianos and harps. Though they may seem similar at first glance, these two instruments are actually quite different. So, if you’re trying to decide which one is right for you, consider all of these factors.

Love to listen to beautiful harp music or soft Christian piano music? Prayer Pray has an amazing collection of relaxing music and heavenly instrumentals. Visit us today to listen to our music!


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