5 Amazing Ways Classical Music Affects People’s Brains

listening to music

Made from a young cave bear’s left thigh bone, the 11.4-centimeter 60,000-year-old Neanderthal flute is the oldest musical instrument to date. The flute may have been the oldest instrument discovered, but it’s not guaranteed when humanity’s love for music began.

Although science doesn’t know when the human race started listening to music, they do know that people continued enjoying it because of the many benefits they produced. One of the more interesting benefits of music, especially classical music, is its effect on people’s brain and brain function.

Regardless of whether you like listening to classical harp music or classical piano performances, here are some ways classical music affects the brain.

Improved Cognition and Brain Function

A study found that listening to Mozart stimulated the parts of the brain related to abstract reasoning and, in turn, improved IQ scores. Another study asserts that music’s ability to impede the release of stress hormones helps people to think clearer. It results in an improvement in both intellectual and cognitive performance.

Scientists believe that since listening to music can keep the brain stimulated, it can help enhance cognition in the elderly. That is why music therapy is used to deal with Alzheimer’s disease.

Faster Learning

It was found that music can assist in language acquisition. According to research, music can positively affect linguistic memory, making learning another language relatively easier.

Classical music can also improve reading skills. A study conducted in 2011 showed that children who listened to classical music while learning to read made significant improvements in their reading skills, while those who did not listen to classical music made little progress.

Enhanced Neuroplasticity and Memory

Neuroplasticity is the process of adaptability of the brain in response to external stimuli, and music may help enhance this. It allows the brain to form new neural pathways and is important in retrieving information stored in the memory.

Neuroscientists have recently discovered that music can help rewire the brain, which, in turn, can help boost cognitive function. In a study on Parkinson’s disease patients, scientists found that patients who play music, especially those who actively participate in playing instruments, tend to improve their motor skills and cognitive function.

Relieves Stress and Promotes Relaxation

Aside from being beneficial to the brain and improving cognitive function, listening to classical music has also been proven helpful to the body. One of these advantages is its ability to relieve stress. In one study, scientists found that listening to classical music during stressful situations reduced the hormone cortisol in the body, ultimately relieving stress.

Another study conducted in 2017 revealed that listening to classical music before and after a dental procedure reduced the patient’s pain. It also helped increase their relaxation and improve their recovery.

Improves Mood

In another study, researchers found that when people hear soothing music, they tend to be more cooperative and likely to comply with a request. That is because the brain produces dopamine when we are listening to music.

Music can also reduce anxiety and make people relax. Those who listen to their favorite tunes can experience a calming effect similar to meditating. Furthermore, research has also shown that listening to music can help relieve symptoms of depression, such as sadness and loneliness. 


Music is an artistic expression whose primary aim is to inspire and entertain. That is why all the incredible mental, intellectual, and cognitive benefits people get from listening to classical music, are happy accidents. By all means, go ahead and load your music player up with relaxing classical harp music or the grand piano scores from the masters.

Regardless of whether you are looking for relaxing piano instrumentals to classical harp music, you are sure to find it in the Prayer Pray music catalog. Be inspired, be relaxed, and be rejuvenated. Subscribe to our YouTube channel today!


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