How Does Harp Music Help Your Healing and Meditation


Harp music has been used for centuries to promote healing and relaxation. The harp’s gentle tones and soothing melodies can help ease stress and anxiety and promote a sense of calm and well-being. Harp music can be a powerful tool for meditation and self-care and is a beautiful way to unwind and de-stress. 

Read on as we dig deeper into how harp music can help our healing and meditations.

Harp Music: Its History 

Meditation and healing have been used for centuries as complementary practices. The harp has been an integral part of these practices for just as long. The history of the harp is fascinating, and its use in healing and meditation is even more so.

The use of music for healing dates back to ancient times, and the harp is one of the oldest instruments known to humanity. 

Sumerians living in Mesopotamia around 4000 BC used harps in their temples for religious ceremonies. The ancient Egyptians also had a strong tradition of using music for healing, and the harp was often played in their temples and homes.

In recent years, scientific research has increasingly shown the potential health benefits of music therapy. Studies have shown that music can help lower blood pressure, heart rate, and stress levels and improve mood, sleep quality, and cognitive function.

Harp Music: How It Promotes Healing and Meditations

Lowers Blood Pressure and Heart Rate

Harp music has long been used as a form of relaxation and healing. The calming effects of harp music are well documented, and recent research has shown that it can also help lower blood pressure and heart rate.

The effects of music on patients in the intensive care unit are being studied in a new study at The University of Arizona Medical Center. It supports that patients with low blood pressure have shown an increase, and those with high blood pressure show a decrease. Harp music appears to be rebalancing this, bringing it back into the normal range, which is ideal for healing.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety Levels

Harp music is effective in reducing stress and anxiety levels. A study published found that patients who listened to more extended times of harp music had positive impacts in recovering from depression. 

Helps to Promote Relaxation and Sleep

It is no secret that music has the power to affect our moods. And while many different genres of music can provide a sense of calm and relaxation, live harp music may be one of the most effective.

There is something about the harp’s soothing sound that can help promote relaxation and sleep. The strings’ gentle strumming can help lull us into a state of peace and tranquility. And because live harp music is typically relatively peaceful and calming, it can be a great way to unwind before bedtime.

Helps to Ease Pain and Discomfort

In a study conducted at the University of Arizona Medical Center, patients who underwent surgery were given either live harp music or recorded music to listen to during their recovery. The results showed that those who attended live harp music had significantly lower pain and anxiety levels than those who listened to recorded music. 


Harp music is a type of music that can be used to help you heal and meditate. There are many benefits to using harp music for healing and meditation. If you want to improve your health and well-being, consider using harp music to help you heal and meditate.

Are you searching for live harp music for healing? At Prayer Pray, you can find a different theme that you can use for your meditations and healing. Subscribe to our Youtube channel today!


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