The Bible brings us to many passages and stories that show the importance of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. It is not just to fill a Christian to-do list to make us feel good at the end of the day. Worship is a by-product of our loving, living relationship with God.
After Jesus’ finished work at the cross, being saved by grace through faith is how we enter a relationship with God, and the same way we ought to live our lives and worship is evidence that we live by grace through faith.
We Should Not Just Have Worship Times, But a Life of Worship
Our obedience is also organic to give back in response to God’s goodness and faithfulness in our lives. And worship, singing to God, is a sacrifice of praise that we can give to God out of obedience and gratitude.
When we worship, praise and obedience merge seamlessly into a beautiful melody unto God. Worship helps us live in victory, walking in harmony with the Holy Spirit, who leads us into all truth and all the plans, purposes, and desires of God for us.
That is why the Bible tells us in Ephesians 5:19, “Speak out to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, offering praise with voices [and instruments] and making melody with all your heart to the Lord.”
In addition, Paul also speaks about the need to express hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs to one another. So worship is not just a private thing when it comes to the Body of Christ. We can worship individually and as a community of believers in fellowship with God.
Reasons to Sing and Worship God Daily
Wonderful experiences can happen in worship, in singing to the Lord, that strengthens our faith and our walk individually, and as a singular body of Christ on the earth today.
Let’s look at other reasons it’s so important to keep an active life of worship unto God:
Worship Enables God’s Word to “Dwell in us Richly”
In Colossians 3:16, Paul urged the believers to “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace, in your hearts to God.”
There are so many things that can fill our hearts and minds every day that we often fall into a tendency to worry or be in fear. We need to “be being filled” all the time, according to Ephesians 5:18. That means we are constantly aware of God’s presence, whether we are doing something mundane as washing the dishes or we’re deep in our prayer closets.
Whenever we worship and sing unto God, we allow ourselves to enter into God’s presence, where we find rest for our souls, allowing the Word of God to penetrate through the debris of things that daily demand our attention. It is an effective way to calm down anxiety. The Word of God is released in our circumstances when we allow ourselves to focus and see things from God’s heavenly perspective.
Worship and Singing to God Stirs Up the Gift Inside You
Worship allows us to experience a genuine connection with our heavenly Father and worship Him in Spirit and truth. We are strengthened and built up in the Lord, and we are also kept apart from worldliness or sin. It makes us aware of His indwelling Presence. When we’re aware of His abiding Presence, our lives are also changed for the better.
In 2 Timothy 1:6 (AMP), it says, “stir up (rekindle the embers of, fan the flame of, and keep burning) the [gracious] gift of God, [the inner fire] that is in you using the laying on of my hands.”
The word “gift” here can refer to impartations by the Holy Spirit given when God sets people aside for service and the gift of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in our heavenly praise language. When you sing to God and worship, you can stir up the gift of the Holy Spirit within your spirit through prayer and worship.
Conclusion: You Can Worship God Anytime, Anywhere
Worship is not a religious ritual or obligation that we do. It is our grateful and trusting response to God and His grace in our lives. As such, it is something that you can do anytime and anywhere. When you are always aware of God’s presence, you will find yourself worrying less, being in doubt, or confusion less.
Above all, singing to God daily helps you not live in fear despite what is happening around you because, in His presence, we experience His love that dispels that fear. So, be encouraged— make it a significant part of your life now to live a life of worship and singing unto God with songs, hymns, and spiritual songs.
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