The Benefits of Incorporating Music When Praying

people worshipping

Taking time out of your day to worship or communicate with the Lord is precious and vital to any person’s life. Of course, going to church every week fulfills your responsibility as a Christian, but what you must understand is that God wants to be part of your life, and not just on one day. Beyond spending time in church, you must also welcome the Lord all day, every day!

Prayer shouldn’t be an afterthought, a lifesaver in times of trouble. If you want to develop a meaningful relationship with God, you must enter into prayer daily. Even one prayer a day can have so much power—you can begin each day with hope and peace, leading to an overall better life!

Praying with Music

While making it a habit to converse with God regularly leaves a positive impact on your life as a Christian, did you know that including music in your daily conversations with the Lord can improve how you worship? You most likely already sing together with others at church, but you can also sing or listen to Christian music when praying at home.

As St. Augustine once said, “The one who sings prays twice.” Raising your voice in song to God or simply listening to soft instrumental Christian music makes the experience all the more unique and worthwhile.

Here are some of the countless benefits of worshipping to God with music:

1. Music Connects You More to God

Although prayer alone opens a conversion with the Lord, incorporating Christian healing music can make the experience all the more personal. When you pray with music, you can deeply immerse your mind, body, and soul in prayer so that you can become more involved as you enter in prayer.

2. Music Helps You Pray

Sometimes, praying can be difficult because your experiences could hinder you from thinking of the right words to say. The best thing about praying with music is that you don’t need to try so hard to articulate what you think or feel—the music will fill the void where your words should be.

You don’t need words at all for God to understand what you have to say; the Holy Spirit will pray to the Lord for you when you’re left with no words to express. If you feel like speaking with the Lord but are at a loss for words, simply listen to the Christian instrumental and cry your eyes out; He will understand.

3. Music Sparks Creativity

Praying daily leads to a better life and deeper faith in the Lord, but music will make everything even better. With the right music, you can get your creativity flowing and grow. Instead of being worried about the right words to say to the Lord, you can just enjoy the wonderful experience of praying with sincerity and joy.


There is great power in music, especially when conversing with the Lord. If you ever feel like starting a conversation with God, all you have to do is listen to soft instrumental Christian music and solemnly express the feelings in your heart. As long as you listen to the right melody and show your sincerity, you’ll be able to grow deeper in your faith, and further fill your life with His grace, joy, and peace.

If you’re looking for Christian healing music to pray with, we at Prayer Pray have an extensive library that you may be interested in! Listening to our heavenly violin instrumentals, cello music, harp music, and more are perfect for accompanying you during your conversations with the Lord. Download our music today.


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